miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

Tips Wednesday!

  1. Sleeping helpsSleep when Hungry.Sleep when you have nothing to do and think you might resort you Food.SLEEP BURNS CALORIES (130 pounds 7 hours of sleep = 390 cals burned)
    How great is that? Hahaha
  2. Drink it up!
    Drink water daily! A LOT of water ~ It'll make you full and it's great for your complexion!
    Drink it cold rather than hot. Also, drink lots of tea. You can add swetners to it and it comes in tons of flavors. No sugar of milk in it though!
    Coffee is great too, but i will talk about the benefits of both tea and coffee soon!
  3. Eat slowly and chew food a thoroughly.
    Sip water between bites. Eat in small plates and utensila, so it seems like you ate more.
  4. Say you are going to eat at a friend's house and instead go for a walk.
    You will be burning calories instead of taking them in
    . (This is one of my favs tricks! I use it as much as i can!)
  5. Buy clothes that you can't fit into and hang them wear you can see them.
    This will motivate you to lose weight to fit into them. This is actually an awesome motivator. I now fit in a pair of sexy jeans i didn't fit before! How cool is that?

A little update on myself:

On Monday I binged and purged... It was so disgusting. I hate myself for it. On Tuesday I only had dinner (a few slices of pizza with my boyfriend and his friend).
Let's see how today goes!


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