viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013


“I am a product of long corridors, empty sunlit rooms, upstairs indoor silences, attics explored in solitude, distant noises of gurgling cisterns and pipes, and the noise of wind under the tiles. Also, of endless books.”

Love coffee, tea, black nail polish, dark paganism, cute things, dark things, gore, blood, old horror movies, videogames, happinesssadness, hipbones, collarbones, ribs, bones, bones, bones, diet coke, cookies, books!

Depressed at 12. Suffered from Self Harm since the age of 13. Depression hit my worst at 15. Developed Anorexia, wich slowly developed to deathly Bulimia. Engaged in an abusive relationship wich i managed to scape.
18 and almost recovered, I long again for feelings of emtiness and control.

I do not promote self harm or EDs, I however will never jurge and will support and give my help to those who may need it (:  

We are strong!


pd. My first language is Spanish, sorry i've i've made any spelling/grammar mistakes!

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