viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Blog's structure! La estructura del blog!

Hi there!
This is the blog's structure and how i'll post stuff (:  

Monday: Ana and Mia tips, tricks and general talk

Wednesday: Ana and Mia tips, tricks and general talk + answer questions day!

Friday: Thinspo day!

Sunday: A me day (I'll talk about what i believe, how i feel, etc)

And every time i post something, i will also make a quick update on how i'm doing, how many calories i've had and how much exercise i've made!

I weight a 121 lbs, and i'm 5ft 7inch tall. I'm at the heaviest weight i've ever been! Yuck ... ):
My goal weight is 110 lbs! (I've been much lower than that before, but i was super malnourished and ill. If you want to know the dangers of ED, read this) Althought it's a "general mesurement". I'm focusing more on how my body looks/it's mesurements, etc.

I hope you all accompany me in my journey! If you feel like, you can post your stats and your motivation to loose weight, or how your ED makes you feel.
Feel free to vent and go all drama!


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